Mini Lamancha Senior Milkers: 3 Under 4

Sarah Correl

Rank: 1st
Entry A Generation: 3
Freshening: 2
Date Freshened: 04/11/2023

Entry A - Side

A beautiful single entry 3 year old! I really appreciate the shape and balance of this doe's mammary system, especially her length of fore udder attachment and width of rear udder attachment. While she could be more level in her rump, both from thurl to thurl and hips to pins, this doe is very balanced and a very deserving first place and first place udder.

Morgan Allen

Rank: 1st
Entry A Generation: 3
Freshening: 2
Date Freshened: 04/11/2023

Entry A - Side

A single entry in the 3 year old class, but a doe that excels in mammary system having a lovely shape to her udder with a high rear udder and nice arch to the rear as well. In body capacity this doe has nice depth and width of chest and depth of rib. *Best Udder

Mini Lamancha Senior Milkers: 3 Under 4

Entry A
Date of Birth: 04/14/2020
Generation: 3
Freshening: 2
Date Freshened: 04/11/2023

Entry A - Side Entry A - Rear Entry A - Top Entry A - Front Entry A - Udder